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Our Suite

With our suite of ready-to-use software, you can start optimizing your clinic today.

An id card with a checkmark

Health Card Validation

Checking your patients' health cards can be big headache, and physically handling their cards during a pandemic is unsafe. With the Meritop suite, your patients can take a photo of their health card and upload it to the Meritop app, all from the comfort of their own home. The app will automatically check if their card is valid, eliminating the need to check health cards in person.

A woman holding a card and a phone
A sign which says coming soon

Virtual Check-in

Standing in line to check in for an appointment is annoying for patients, and exposes them to the risk of catching diseases from each other. The Meritop suite will allow patients to check in virtually via text message, from their car or a waiting room.

People standing in line
A sign which says coming soon

Booking System

With our automated booking system, you'll be able to combine the power of our health card validation and virtual check-in services, while also cutting down on administrative overhead. You'll tell our app what your schedule is, and patients will be able to book an appointment at a time that suits them best.

A person using a calendar on their phone

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